What is Arduino?

Data: 01 décembre 2015

What is Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source prototyping platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. To do so you use the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring), and the Arduino Software (IDE), based on Processing.

Over the years Arduino has been the brain of thousands of projects, from everyday objects to complex scientific instruments. A worldwide community of makers - students, hobbyists, artists, programmers, and professionals - has gathered around this open-source platform, their contributions have added up to an incredible amount of accessible knowledge that can be of great help to novices and experts alike.

Arduino was born at the Ivrea Interaction Design Institute as an easy tool for fast prototyping, aimed at students without a background in electronics and programming. As soon as it reached a wider community, the Arduino board started changing to adapt to new needs and challenges, differentiating its offer from simple 8-bit boards to products for IoT applications, wearable, 3D printing, and embedded environments. All Arduino boards are completely open-source, empowering users to build them independently and eventually adapt them to their particular needs. The software, too, is open-source, and it is growing through the contributions of users worldwide.

Why Arduino?

Thanks to its simple and accessible user experience, Arduino has been used in thousands of different projects and applications. The Arduino software is easy-to-use for beginners, yet flexible enough for advanced users. It runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Teachers and students use it to build low cost scientific instruments, to prove chemistry and physics principles, or to get started with programming and robotics. Designers and architects build interactive prototypes, musicians and artists use it for installations and to experiment with new musical instruments. Makers, of course, use it to build many of the projects exhibited at the Maker Faire, for example. Arduino is a key tool to learn new things. Anyone - children, hobbyists, artists, programmers - can start tinkering just following the step by step instructions of a kit, or sharing ideas online with other members of the Arduino community.

There are many other microcontrollers and microcontroller platforms available for physical computing. Parallax Basic Stamp, Netmedia's BX-24, Phidgets, MIT's Handyboard, and many others offer similar functionality. All of these tools take the messy details of microcontroller programming and wrap it up in an easy-to-use package. Arduino also simplifies the process of working with microcontrollers, but it offers some advantage for teachers, students, and interested amateurs over other systems:


- Inexpensive - Arduino boards are relatively inexpensive compared to other microcontroller platforms. The least expensive version of the Arduino module can be assembled by hand, and even the pre-assembled Arduino modules cost less than $50

- Cross-platform - The Arduino Software (IDE) runs on Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux operating systems. Most microcontroller systems are limited to Windows.

Simple, clear programming environment - The Arduino Software (IDE) is easy-to-use for beginners, yet flexible enough for advanced users to take advantage of as well. For teachers, it's conveniently based on the Processing programming environment, so students learning to program in that environment will be familiar with how the Arduino IDE works.

- Open source and extensible software - The Arduino software is published as open source tools, available for extension by experienced programmers. The language can be expanded through C++ libraries, and people wanting to understand the technical details can make the leap from Arduino to the AVR C programming language on which it's based. Similarly, you can add AVR-C code directly into your Arduino programs if you want to.

- Open source and extensible hardware - The plans of the Arduino boards are published under a Creative Commons license, so experienced circuit designers can make their own version of the module, extending it and improving it. Even relatively inexperienced users can build the breadboard version of the module in order to understand how it works and save money.


Writing Example Code

Efficiency is not paramount; readability is.

The most important users of Arduino are beginners and people who don't care about code, but about getting projects done.

Think generously about people who know less than you about code. Don't think they should understand some technical concept. They don't, and they're not stupid for not understanding. Your code should explain itself, or use comments to do the same. If it needs a complex concept like registers or interrupts or pointers, either explain it or skip it.

When forced to choose between technically simple and technically efficient, choose the former.

Introduce concepts only when they are useful and try to minimize the number of new concepts you introduce in each example. For example, at the very beginning, you can explain simple functions with no variable types other than int, nor for consts to define pin numbers. On the other hand, in an intermediate example, you might want to introduce peripheral concepts as they become useful. Concepts like using const ints to define pin numbers, choosing bytes over ints when you don't need more than 0 - 255, etc. are useful, but not central to getting started. So use them sparingly, and explain them when they're new to your lesson plan.

Put your setup() and your loop() at the beginning of the program. They help beginners to get an overview of the program, since all other functions are called from those two.

Commenting Your Code

Comment every variable or constant declaration with a description of what the variable does.

Comment every code block. Do it before the block if possible, so the reader knows what's coming

Comment every for loop

Use verbose if statements. For simplicity to the beginning reader, use the block format for everything, i.e. avoid this:

if (somethingIsTrue) doSomething;

Instead, use this:

if (somethingIsTrue == TRUE) {



Avoid pointers

Avoid #defines


Avoid single letter variable names. Make them descriptive

Avoid variable names like val or pin. Be more descriptive, like buttonState or switchPin

If you want to define pin names and other quantities which won't change, use const ints. They're less messy than #defines, yet still give you a way to teach the difference between a variable and a constant.

Use the wiring/Processing-style variable types, e.g. boolean,char,byte,int,unsigned int,long,unsigned long,float,double,string,array,void when possible, rather than uint8_t, etc. The former are explained in the documentation, and less terse names.

Avoid numbering schemes that confuse the user, e.g.:

pin1 = 2

pin2 = 3


If you need to renumber pins, consider using an array, like this:

int myPins[] = { 2, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 };

This allows you to refer to the new pin numbers using the array elements, like this:

  digitalWrite(myPins[1], HIGH);  // turns on pin 7

It also allows you to turn all the pins on or off in the sequence you want, like this:

for (int thisPin = 0; thisPin < 6; thisPin++) {

   digitalWrite(myPins[thisPin], HIGH);


   digitalWrite(myPins[thisPin], LOW);



Explain the code at the start

Here's a good title block:



            Sketch title

            Describe what it does in layman's terms.  Refer to the components

            attached to the various pins.

            The circuit:

            * list the components attached to each input

            * list the components attached to each output

            Created day month year

            By author's name

            Modified day month year

            By author's name




For digital input switches, the default is to use a pulldown resistor on the switch rather than a pullup. That way, the logic of a switch's interaction makes sense to the non-engineer.

Keep your circuits simple. For example, bypass capacitors are handy, but most simple inputs will work without them. If a component is incidental, explain it later.